Terra di tutti film festival immagine 2014
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Logo Europena Union 2015

terra di tutti art festival

Social cinema and performing arts from the Global South

9th special edition for the European Year for Development 2015 | 7-11 october


Andrea Ruffini | Paraguay | 2014 | 30'

The Gran Chaco of South America, the continent's largest wooded reserves after the Amazon, is rapidly disappearing because of wild deforestation. In fact, the Chaco of Paraguay is the area with the highest rate of deforestation in the world. Foods in the woods shows the relationship still living between the indigenous peoples of the Chaco of Paraguay and the forest - el monte- through episodes of hunting, fishing, harvesting, natural medicine and shamanism. Made with participatory method in collaboration with the young indigenous Enxet, Enlhet Sanapana and the Association of Traditional Medicine Yamet Chaco, the documentary is part of the transmedia project Chaco-py.com - Impressions on the indigenous people of the Paraguayan Chaco and the earth, the water, the forest and the others.


Andrea Ruffini is director and producer of social documentaries since 1998 for RAI, Mediaset, Sky and independent productions in Italy, Africa, Russia, Latin America. Since 2009, he lives in South America, where he made documentaries for NGOs and humanitarian institutions (ECHO, Oxfam, COOPI, FAO, UN, Plan, Red Cross). Filmography: Chaco-Py.com (2014 ), Historias Bañado desde el Sur (2014), Kuna Mbarete (2012), Justicia (2012), Chaco Rape (2011), Mirada Negra (2010), Lice Evita (2007).