Terra di tutti film festival immagine 2014
Logo Amitie Bologna

Logo Europena Union 2015

terra di tutti art festival

Social cinema and performing arts from the Global South

9th special edition for the European Year for Development 2015 | 7-11 october


Co-operation for the development of emerging countries

COSPE was founded on 19 April 1983 and registered on 19 July 1984 (D.M. n° 2416, 19/7/84) as an association promoting intercultural dialogue, fair, sustainable development and human rights. Its activities are International Development Co-operation and Development Awareness/Education as a means to achieve peace and justice among peoples.

COSPE is currently committed to implement more than 100 projects in around 30 countries world-wide, in the following areas:

  • development of small businesses and income-generating activities;
  • rural development and agricultural support;
  • community-based natural resources management;
  • education;
  • community development and institutional building;
  • protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms;
  • promotion of women’s rights and equal opportunities;
  • development education activities and campaigns to arouse public opinion on matters of global interest;
  • antiracism training and support of equal-opportunity policies for citizens from ethnic minorities in Europe;
  • right to education and intercultural awareness, community media awareness and local development.

INFO: www.cospe.org


Civil Voluntary Group

GVC, Civil Voluntary Group, is a non-religious, NGO – Onlus (socially useful non-profit organisation) established in Bologna in 1971 to improve the standard of living of populations in developing countries by means of international co-operation and peace and support initiatives.

L’obiettivo di GVC è di promuovere uno sviluppo economico e sociale che duri nel tempo e che porti concreti benefici alle persone.

Today GVC operates in 27 countries, its projects are implemented by 80 Italian volunteers abroad and by more than 5000 local operators. In agreement with social forces, governments and local administrations, GVC implements programmes for reconstruction and development in many sectors.

Working for international cooperation with good results means in fact working concretely on many issues, all very important: water, children, rights, education, work, combating AIDS, and much more. GVC also manages projects of humanitarian emergencies for the European Commission, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Nations.
GVC aims at promoting a long-lasting social and economic development, bringing concrete benefits to people.

The complexity and variety of GVC’s activities, and the presence of our operators in many fields and areas, represent a wealth of experiences enabling us to diversify our scope of action and focus on specific community needs. Thanks to this core of experiences, we are able to contribute to, and support, integrated strategies of intervention and actions for the promotion of activities fostering socio-economic growth of participating communities.

GVC finally believes that development is a two-way process based on more equitable relationship between the North and the South of the world.

A cause of that, beside to development cooperation programs in developing countries, GVC gives great importance to actions in Italy and Europe seeking a change in public opinion attitude and interest towards development and developing countries problems.

INFO: www.gvc-italia.org