Terra di tutti film festival immagine 2012

terra di tutti film festival

Documentaries and social cinema exhibition

7th edition | 8-13 october 2013


Youness Belghazi, Hamza Mahfoudi | Morocco | 2013 | 30' | out of competition



"Basta!" is documentary focused on the current state of cinema in Morocco, with a look extremely critical on the Centre Marocain Cinématographique. The directors, who define themselves as "artivists", point the finger at censorship and propaganda in order to achieve what they describe as "a resistant cinematographic experience for a free art."


Younes Belghazi and Hamza Mahfoudi, young filmmakers and activists, are members of the collective Guerrilla Cinema, established last year, that in few months produced and implemented three projects outside of the circuit of the Centre Marocain Cinématographique.

Guerrilla Cinema develops during the "Movement 20 February", realising video campaigns for the movement. Afterwards the group organizes itself in a collective made ​​up of young people coming mostly from popular neighbourhoods with few job prospects and with the desire to stimulate and ensure the pluralism that is missing in Moroccan cinematographic scenery. The group finances its films through crowdfunding.


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