Terra di tutti film festival immagine 2014
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Logo Europena Union 2015

terra di tutti art festival

Social cinema and performing arts from the Global South

9th special edition for the European Year for Development 2015 | 7-11 october


Culture, media and human rights

9.30-10.30 institutional opening

Virginio Merola - Mayor of the Municipality of Bologna

Elly Schlein - Member of the European Parliament

Sandro Gozi - Undersecretary of the premiership in charge of EU policies

Elisabetta Gualmini - Vice president and councillor for welfare policies in charge of international development cooperation

Dina Taddia - President GVC


10.30-11.30 PANEL 1 - Valoritation of diversity in cities' cultural policies 

Franco Bianchini - Professor of cultural policies and cultural planning at Leeds Metropolitan University

Francesca Lionetti - Directorate for Democratic Governance, Council of Europe - Intercultural cities project

Daniel de Torres Barderi - Expert on intercultural policies and co-funder of Imacity

Jude Bloomfield - Independent researcher in Urban Cultures, Policy and Citizenship 

Moderator: Giorgia Boldrini - Municipality of Bologna

11.30-12.30 PANEL 2 – Media & migration: a metter of points of view?

Raffaella Cosentino - Freelance journalist

Barry Malone - Al Jazeera journalist

Daniel Adamson - Reporter BBC

Moderator: Mauro Sarti - Redattore Sociale journalist


14.00-15.30 PANEL 3 – Human trafficking vs search for a better tomorrow

Alexandra Malangone - GRETA member (Monitoring body of the Council of Europe)

Isoke Aikpitanyi - Co-founder of the Association Le Ragazze di Benin City

Margherita Romanelli - Coordinator of the project MIGRA-SAFE at GVC

Julia Zelvenska - European Council on Refugees and Exiles

Moderator: Gabriele Guazzo - Coordinator of the project No trafficking at Cittalia


15.30 – 17.00 PANEL 4 - Migration and right of asylum: what is happening at europe's doorstep?

Dimitri Bettoni - Journalist at Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso

Dario Sbrocca - Representative GVC in Lebanon

Debora del Pistoia - Representative COSPE in Tunisia

Moderator: Barbara Schiavulli, Jurnalist


Conclusions by Udo Enwereuzor - Resp. Migration, Minorities & Citizenship Rights COSPE

Here are the biographies of the speakers at the conference