Terra di tutti film festival immagine 2014

terra di tutti film festival

Documentaries and social cinema exhibition

10th edition| 12-16 october 2016

Wo we are

Terra di Tutti Film Festival began in 2007, with the vital aim of giving a voice to the many documentary makers who use the video medium as a form of critical expression, scrutinising the world and the issues that affect the countries of the southern hemisphere. Sponsored by two non-governmental organisations working towards international cooperation for development, GVC (Gruppo di Volontariato Civile) and COSPE (Cooperazione per lo sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti), TTFF brings documentaries and social cinema from the global south to Bologna, with the aim of revealing the realities of life in these countries, of people and social battles that are often ‘invisible’ into discussion.

The festival welcomes many types of audiovisual media and short films, with narratives concentrating on the fight for equal rights, gender, protecting freedom, active citizenship, and environmental and ecological concerns. Terra di Tutti Film Festival would like to provide true visions of the south, without rhetoric, censorship or pity, but instead with the belief that just one individual, with an open mind and a refusal to accept the idea of an immutable reality, can help us to change the present and work together towards better futures. And we can do this through cinema. 


Directors Stefania Piccinelli, Jonathan Ferramola

Curators of the artistic programme Marina Mantini, Jonathan Ferramola

Secretariat Francesca Cerami, Giorgia Bailo

Press Office Marina Mantini, Pamela Cioni

Subtitles SMK Videofactory

Translations Sara Alves, Giorgia Bailo, Cristian Colio, Detjon Begaj, Francesca Palumbo, Francesco Salerno, Benedetta Alpigiani, Chiara Zompa, Alessia Albanetti, Maria Vittoria Moretti, Giada Pieri, Elisa Piermartiri, Claudia Marcus, Eleonora Mazzanti, Giulia Barbini, Cristiana Dondi, Martina Correani, Camilla Di Giacinto, Patrick Levieux, Anna Errico, Nazli Birgen, Enrica Zilio, Elisa Ortolani, Lorenzo De Carli, Tommaso Nardo

Graphics and website design KITCHEN

Management of volunteers and matinée Sara Alves, Francesca Cerami

Online and social media communication Marina Mantini, Valentina Fiori

Under the auspicies of The Municipality of Bologna

With the support of Youth Committee of the Italian National Commission for UNESCO, Cotabo, Ser Data, Cineteca di Bologna

With the contribution of European Union, Amitie Code - Capitalizing On DEvelopment, Susy - Social and Solidarity Economy as Development Approach for Sustainability, Emilia-Romagna Region, Make Fruit fair!

Media partners Radio Città Fujiko, Radio Città del Capo, Radio Kairos, Altreconomia, The Bottom Up

Partner associations Kinodromo, Dynamo, SMK Videofactory, UISP, TPO, H.S.L. Hic Sunt Leones, Kilowatt, Africa e Mediterraneo, Bologna Cares!, Cantieri Meticci, Bologna F.C., DER - Documentaristi Emilia Romagna.