Seminario di scambio interculturale sulla cittadinanza attiva

Seminar on intercultural exchange

Venerdì 8 ottobre |

Cortile del Lumière

The seminary of intercultural Exchange will take place in the Cinema Lumière yard.
The event is part of the project EU4ALL - Europe for all: building up an inclusive European Citizenship, financed by the European Union in the frame work of the Programme "Europa per i Cittadini" and it is open to public.
At the seminar-workshop several Italian and Romania youngsters who participated in the project and who produced the video Tinerii Dunerii – The kids from Danube - will participate. The video was produced by themselves during a 7-days workshop in Giurgiu, Romania.

During the seminar, made in collaboration with Art Fusion that will facilitate the event, the youngsters will tell about their experience in Giurgiu not only to other young people, but also to the citizens who want to participate and to the Italian and International film makers participating in the Terra di Tutti Film Festival.

The seminar aims at promoting tolerance, comprehension and intercultural dialogue among the European, Italian and Romania citizens and at contributing to the intercultural dialogue: starting from two European realities (Italy and Romania) there will be a comparison on those themes important for both countries and they will be open to the world and to the dialogue with Italian and foreign citizens.

The video Tinerii Dunerii – I ragazzi del Danubio – The kids from Danube –will be presented and projected on Friday the 8th during the session “Giovani Periferie” at the Terra di Tutti Film Festival, from 16.00 to 18.00 (for further information please consult the programme).