Cinema Lumière, via Azzogardino 65/A Bologna
Friday october 8th, 2010
Ore 16:00 - 18:00 Giovani periferie
Youth of Tuzla
Matteo Pasi | 2008 | Italia | 60'
Tuzla (Bosnia Erzegovina), 25 May 1995: a bomb explodes in the center of the city cancelling 71 young lives without doing distinction of nationality, religion or political ideas. From this tragedy starts a narrative path that will underlines lights and shadows of the youngers condition: a reality of unenployment, desidre to run abroad, but also desire of change and solidarity. The aspirations and the enthusiasm of the young generations, also thanks to the opportunities offered by the international cooperation, youngers can represent the engine of the "Renaissance" of Tuzla and of the whole Country.