10 11 12 october 2008
Cinema Lumière, via Azzogardino 65/A Bologna

Ore 20.00 - 21:30 Sezione Terra_DOC

La minaccia (The threat)

Luca Bellino/Silvia Luzi, 2008, Italia, 86’(Fuori concorso)

A journey with president Chavez towards the biggest oil reserve in the world, at the Orinoco spring, is the pretext to enter in Venezuelan people’s lives 9 years after the Bolivian devolution. Governmental missions to fight hunger and illiteracy, the creation of a public health system and the development of an economy based on cooperative work are some of the operation that mark Chavez Era. On the other side Venezuela and its 60 violent deaths per week, collapsed hospitals, the closure of  the channel with most of the audience, old European migrants escaping, the black list with opponents and the overwhelming governmental propaganda.