Cinema Lumière, via Azzogardino 65/A Bologna
Palestina la vita oltre il muro (Palestine life beyond the wall)
Giovanni Lucci, 2006, Italy, 9’ 30”
In Spring 2003 Isrealian Government starts to build a border wall to separate the Occupied Territories of the West bank and the rest of the Country to prevent terrorist attacks from the Palestinians. The wall is named “security wall”. The International Community condemns the initiative and asks for officially to stop the project ma the official resolution is not accompanied by the chance to put sanctions. The Israeli Government still goes on to build the Apartheid wall. Palestine: life beyond the wall witnesses life conditions in the Occupied Territories tank to reportages organized by the journalist Michela Sechi, reporter of Radio Popolare (Milan), and by the photo reporter Bruna Orlandi in the year 2005.