10 11 12 october 2008
Cinema Lumière, via Azzogardino 65/A Bologna

Ore 22.00 Sezione Terra Tematica_Ambiente

Pancevo_la città morta (Pancevo th dead town)

Antonio Martino, 2007, Italy, 26’

Pancevo, a town 15 km from Belgrade, hosts one of the greatest industrial districts of the Former Yugoslavia. During the Balkans War NATO, with the European approval, bombs the industrial complex causes a huge environmental catastrophe. Big quantities of toxic substances are poured in the ground and in the air. NATO does not indemnifies the damages caused to the technologies of this industries. The workers are obliged to refix the machines without supervision, and are constantly victims of benzene leaks and other toxic materials are freed in the air. Nine year after from the Balkans War, today in Pancevo, the most polluted town in Europe, dies on average a man per day.