Cinema Lumière, via Azzogardino 65/A Bologna
A beiradera e o grilador
Roberto Amico/Claudia Apostolo/Daniele Marchetto, 2007, Italy, 35’
December 12th 2006, Machado, region in the high coursecof the Tapajos River, Parà State, Brazil. Hundreds of inhabitants in the area of Mangabal go to the capital city to participate to a “public consultation” that precedes the creation of the reserve (resex) Montanha Mangabal. The resex is a form of protecting nature and their inhabitants and recognizes to the local population the right to the land and the sustainable exploitation of the forest and the river resources, against deforestation and illegal exploitation by the madereiras industries. The “Public consultation” organized by I.B.A.M.A. (Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis) and from the Ministerio Pùblico Federal, is an event waited from all the community, a chance to celebrate for the population that sees the resex as a kind of “life insurance”. Maria “Dona Santa” Palhares, a blind old lady is the historical memory of the community, the beiradeira of the tile.