10 11 12 october 2008
Cinema Lumière, via Azzogardino 65/A Bologna

Ore 20.00 – 22.00 Sezione Terra Tematica_Infanzia Latitudine Sud

Hijo Obrero (Worker son)

Paolo Martelli, 2008, Italy, 32'

El Alto, Bolivia. A metropolis in La Paz suburbs grown up with a breathtaking rhythm following the last two decades urbanization process. In this babylonish urban complex, a group of children and adolescents that work created ASONAT’s (Asociacion de Ñiños Ñiñas y Adolescentes Trabajadores) a kind of trade union that defends the rights, constantly violated, of a category of workers that usually institutions ignore. Many minors, obliged by market laws and by the absence of social protection, have to earn money to provide to their families and pay for their education. Their lives are described in “Hijo Obrero”, the information bulletin edited periodically by ASONAT’s.