10 11 12 october 2008
Cinema Lumière, via Azzogardino 65/A Bologna

Ore 20.00 – 22.00 Sezione Terra Tematica_Infanzia Latitudine Sud

Chi è Cappuccetto Rosso (Who is Little Red Riding Hood?)

Eva Ciuk, 2008, Italia, 16’

Once upon a time. Twice upon a time. Three times upon a time. A million upon a time...a young girl called Little Red Riding Hood. She had dark and deep eyes, hair the color of the night, skin with amber reflex and spoke a language coming from the far east. But she spoke also German, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Serb, Albanian, English...A young girl as many children all over Europe and all around the world. Everybody said she was a gypsy. Nomadic her community. But she had always lived in the same place: Kosovo. In her nomadic was only her thought. To imagine a different life.