Cinema Lumière, via Azzogardino 65/A Bologna
Otra vez (Once again)
Miko Meloni, 2008, Italy/Bolivia, 60’
The Massacre of Gas in 2003 marks Bolivian History: in a week of bloody clashes between the people and the army tens of demonstrators lose their lives. The whole Bolivian Society is astonished because of the events. The president flies to the United States, his follower resigns because of strong popular pressure, until the last election are won by the actual president Evo Morales the first ethnic indigenous to hold the presidential seat, representing 60% of the population. Central in “Otra Vez” is the nationalization of oil and gas in Bolivia. The documentary follows the historical steps concerning gas and oil trade in this Country during the las century that tied up the energy trade and its nationalizations to the History of the Bolivian State.