Terra di tutti film festival immagine 2014

terra di tutti film festival

"voci dal mondo invisibile"

12th edition | 11-14 october 2018
Bologna - Firenze

Entry regulation

The Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) GVC and Cospe
Promote the 12° edition of

Terra di Tutti Film Festival

Documentaries and social cinema exhibition

Participation Requirements

The contest is an international event without any restriction on nationality, age and profession.
The participation is free of charge.


The competition is open to short, medium and feature films (not  exceeding  90 minutes). The works have to belong to one of the following categories:

  • Documentaries
  • Animation
  • Docu-fiction
  • Webseries

Works made with any kind of technique (animation included) and format (in coherence with the technical information included in the section “Film Submission” of this entry regulation) will be admitted.

The 12th edition of Terra di Tutti Film Festival focuses on Human Rights, Gender Equality, Interculturality, Humanitarian Emergencies, Sustainability, Food Sovereignty, Alternative Economies (alternative production, distribution, consumption, economic models and experiences of social and fair trade economy, having people and environment at the centre of their process and promoting an equal and redistributive economic development) and Migrations.
Terra di Tutti Film festival will pay special attention to women and gender issues.
In this edition other priority issues will be:

Fight against poverty
Sustainable development in all its dimensions (environmental, social, economic, etc.)
Community processes and participatory planning and realization of the activities at the local level
Eco-social conflicts and traditional ecological knowledge as alternatives for development
Climate change, access to resources, renewable energies
Food sovereignty, peasant agriculture, sustainable rural development, land-grabbing
Water as a common good and water-grabbing
Valorisation of natural resources and forests
Social and fair trade economy
Migration, human trafficking, peace and human rights, new citizenships
Access to health, prevention and fight against AIDS
Gender, LGBT culture, fight against discriminations.

The videos must deal with social issues linked to globalization and development, and in particular one of the following topics: gender and development; active citizenship and development; human rights and democracy; work and globalization; environment; youth and children rights; war, terrorism and violence; media and information on/in Southern world countries.

Participation rules

Every single filmmaker can participate with a limit of three films.
Only films produced after January 1st 2016 will be admitted.

The submission has to be done by filling up the online entry form that can be found in the official website www.terradituttifilmfestival.org of the Festival.

After having filled in the form, the candidate will receive a confirmation e-mail.
It is necessary to fill in one entry form for each film submitted.
The submission deadline is June 30th, 2018.

FILM SUBMISSION and selection process

Once the online subscription is confirmed, the author has to send the films before July 7th 2018 (otherwise the application will be rejected). It is possible to send the films as follows:

a) Sending a link with a secure the download (Dropbox, Wetransfer, Vimeo link with password or similar) following the instructions sent in the confirmation e-mail received after the submission of the entry form

b) Sending the file on external storage/USB key in a sealed envelope indicating TERRA DI TUTTI FILM FESTIVAL to the following address:


Via Fancesco Baracca 3, 40133 Bologna (Italia)

Att.ne Marina Mantini

VERY IMPORTANT. In order not to be excluded from the contest, it is mandatory to send the escape clause, which can be downloaded from the Festival’s official website www.terradituttifilmfestival.org, duly filled in and signed to the e-mail address info@terradituttifilmfestival.org.

Materials received will not be remitted and they will be part of Terra di Tutti Film Festival Archives. The films submitted to the contest are owned by the author who authorise free and unlimited use at Terra di Tutti Film Festival for the following uses:

  • Partial publication on the website www.terradituttifilmfestival.org;
  • Screening of the videos at the Terra di Tutti Film Festival in Bologna, to be held from the 11th to the 14th of October 2018.
  • The submission of the films implies the non-exclusive authorization for the Festival’s organizers to disseminate and make available - through the Festival’s website and any other means - clips or sequences of the videos without any compensation for their authors.

The submission of photo materials and/or other information related to the films (stills, photos of the author, bio-filmography, synopsis, author's statements, posters, etc.) implies also a non-exclusive permission for the Festival’s organizers to spread and make available to the public all images and information regarding the films submitted.
The Festival’s organization  committee takes no responsibility for any theft or damage of the videos. Each author responds on the content of his film and clearly authorises the Terra di Tutti Film Festival to make copies and screenings of the submitted films for non-profit and cultural purposes.

TTFF Prizes

The Festival offers a support on the production of audio-visual and/or purchase of materials which is equal to the value of 2.000 (three thousands) Euros, to be divided between the three best videos:

1) Prize Benedetto Senni having a value of 1.000 (one thousand) Euro, which will be given to the best film addressing issues relating to the fight against poverty, valorisation and defence of natural resources, food sovereignty, sustainable and biological agriculture, access to water and migrations.

2) Prize Giovanni Lo Porto in memory of the aid worker and GVC’s collaborator killed in 2015 during a US anti-terrorist attack. This prize, having a value of 1.000 (one thousand) Euro, has the main purpose of valorising documentaries narrating the efforts and the resistance of men and women who do not hesitate in the face of violence and persecution, but promoting values such as solidarity and respect for human rights, peace and freedom.


The awards ceremony will take place during the last night of the Festival.
The artistic judgment of the jury is unquestionable.

Competition official web site

The official contest’s website is www.terradituttifilmfestival.org where all relevant and useful information for the participation is available. Any further information can be requested by writing to the following e-mail address info@terradituttifilmfestival.org
The organization is free to publish all submitted and admitted films to the contest on the official website. In any case, the materials will be published after the submission deadline.


Participation in the contest implies the full commitment to the present regulation.
Participation in the Festival implies having read and accepted what reported by the organizers in the entry form about privacy and personal data treatment. Following the on-going Italian law (D.Lgs 196/2003), the privacy policyholders of the personal data received are the organizers of the Festival.
The contents of the submitted films (picture, sounds, animation) must respect the copyright legislation. The Terra di Tutti Film Festival refuses every responsibility in this regard.
The participation to the competition implies the author's exclusive responsibility for any irregularities on this subject; the organizers reserve the right to exclude from the contest and to revoke any prize to the films presenting such irregularities.
At the incontestable discretion of the organizers, the videos considered offensive or harmful for the image of the promoters and/or in contrast with the code of ethics of the NGOs promoting the Festival will be excluded from the competition and they will not be published.
The Festival Direction will decide on any unclear case and on what not expressly said in the present regulation. In case of any dispute, the Court of Bologna will be the competent court.