Terra di tutti film festival immagine 2012

terra di tutti film festival

Documentaries and social cinema exhibition

7th edition | 8-13 october 2013


Roberta Biagiarelli | Italy/Bosnia Herzegovina | 2012 | 50'



Landscapes, pastures, people and animals of Trentino and Suceska, near Srebrenica, are starring in this documentary. Thanks to the experience gained in Srebrenica during the past years, Roberta Biagiarelli makes a road movie of the fifty heifers transferred from Val Rendena (Trentino) and delivered to the Suceska Srebrenica's families (Eastern Bosnia). An action of exemplary and effective solidarity starting with the stubborn determination of Gianni Rigoni Stern, aimed at remedying the damages of the war and to launch the recovery. The documentary gives a perspective on the future of agriculture in a Bosnian community, that is still in big trouble.

Roberta Biagiarelli is an actress, author and documentary filmmaker engaged in socio-political themes. She has realized "A come Srebrenica", "Reportage Chernobyl", "Falluja e Resistenti- leva militare '926". She also produced, starred and directed the documentary "Souvenir Srebrenica" (2006) , "La neve di giugno" (2007) and "Aiutiamo il paradiso" ( 2011).


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