Terra di tutti film festival immagine 2012

terra di tutti film festival

Documentaries and social cinema exhibition

7th edition | 8-13 october 2013


Andrey Samoute Diarra | Mali/France | 2012 | 54'



Born in Mopti (Mali) and famous for their skills in fishing, the Bozo people extracts sand from the river Niger, in order to fulfill the needs of the real estate market growing in Bamako. In Mali, the Bozo people knows all the secrets of the river, thanks to a close relationship with the spirits of the water. In the last few years the sand extractors are facing lots of problems related to the drastic lowering of the river's level, thwarting their work during the driest time of the year. The Bozo have to wait the rainy season to resume their work in Bamako. Gala, the main character of the film, leads us to understand the importance of the extraction of sand in the life of Malays.


Andrey Samoute Diarra begins working in documentaries in Africadoc production workshop realized in Bamako and in Saint Louis in Senegal. He then deepens his skills in Grenoble. He's news corresponder for the Dutch channel VPRO Metropolis TV and he collaborates with many non-governmental organizations for social documentaries and campaigns.


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