terra di tutti film festival
Documentaries and social cinema exhibition
6th edition | 2-14 october 2012
Lettere italiene
Federico Micali, Yuri Parrettini | 2012 | Italy |15’ | hors concours
Starting from the editorial experiences of Nuove Lettere Persiane realized by Cospe in collaboration with the review Internazionale, the project of the web series Lettere italiene intends to study in deep through a path that crosses short film with web, six stories within many letters that recall diverse courses of experimental citizenship for the new “Italiene”: a person of immigrant origin that resides in Italy, and that well recognizes himself or herself in this portmanteau between Italian and Alieno happily created by the magazine Internazionale by one of their widely read sections. The web series Lettere italiene is the result of a work already started years before for the promotion of the rights of women, men and children of foreign origin and for the realization of a more fair and hospitable intercultural society.
In the frame of TTFF the first three episodes are presented.
Federico Micali, director class 1971, has produced many documentary films that have had an ample cinematographic and editorial diffusion: between the most important is Genova senza riposte, presented as a preview in Venice off in 2002, Firenze città aperta, on the day of the European social forum in Florence, Nunca Mais, on the ecological disaster of the tanker Prestige, Note dal Basso, musical film on street bands, 99 Amaranto, a film on the documentary on Cristiano Lucarelli and Livorno and Cinema Universake d’Essai.
Yuri Parrentini is specialized in montage and in post-production video with the use of diverse forms of software editing, color correction and graphics. In addition to having managed the post-production of several spots and films he has participated as editor to the documentaries 99 Amaranto, Cinema Universale d’Essai and La Nostra Terra. As an author he has directed the short film Il Morso della Montagna and the documentary Malasuerte 31.