"This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication is the sole responsibility of Terra di Tutti Film Festival and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union."

Sito Italiano






COSPE  (Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti)

COSPE was founded on 19 April 1983 and registered on 19 July 1984 (D.M. n° 2416, 19/7/84) as an association promoting intercultural dialogue, fair, sustainable development and human rights. Its activities are International Development Co-operation and Development Awareness/Education as a means to achieve peace and justice among peoples.


COSPE is currently committed to implement more than 100 projects in around 30 countries world-wide, in the following areas: development of small businesses and income-generating activities; rural development and agricultural support; community-based natural resources management; education; community development and institutional building; protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms; promotion of women's rights and equal opportunities; development education activities and campaigns to arouse public opinion on matters of global interest; antiracism training and support of equal-opportunity policies for citizens from ethnic minorities in Europe; right to education and intercultural awareness, community media awareness and local development.


Il GVC  (Gruppo Volontariato Civile)


GVC, Civil Voluntary Group, is a non-religious, NGO – Onlus (socially useful non-profit organisation) established in Bologna in 1971 to improve the standard of living of populations in developing countries by means of international co-operation and peace and support initiatives.

We have more than 30 years of experience working in the world’s southern nations. We have a presence in 26 countries, where, in agreement with social forces, governments and local administrations, we implement reconstruction and development programmes affecting various sectors.

The complexity and multiplicity of our NGO’s activities and presence of our operators in many areas are an indication of our wealth of experience, which allows us to implement diverse and targeted plans for the requirements of each region. With these assets, today, we can manage action plans and integrated actions such as emergency aid and the promotion of activities which encourage the socio-economic growth of countries and extend to increasing public awareness in the world’s northern nations.


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